Našem uvaženom članu Bošku Antiću je 13. januara 2022. godine uručen orden Krsta Vožda Đorđa Stratimirovića.

Povodom Dana veterana 4. decembra ove godine, naše delegacije su učestvovale na ceremnijama polaganja venaca na Novom groblju u Beogradu i na Novom Beogradu.
Obaveštavamo članove i prijatelje da je Upravni odbor Udruženja Podmorničar doneo odluku da se godišnja Skupština Udruženja, planirana za prvu subotu u oktobru 2020. godine, odlaže do daljnjeg zbog situacije u vezi sa pandemijom Korona virusa. O terminu održavanja Skupštine ćemo blagovremeno obavestiti članstvo.

Dana 28. maja 2020. godine delegacija Udruženja Podmorničar položila je cveće na spomenik kapetana fregate Josipa Sakside, koji je bio komandant pomorskog sastava Kraljevske Ratne Mornarice u Aleksandriji od 1941. do 1945. godine. Skromnoj svečanosti prisustvovali su gđa. Grlica Saksida Grozdanić (kćerka Josipa Sakside) i gdin. Vladimir Požeg. Udruženje će nastaviti da obeležava važne datume iz istorije podmorničarstva Jugoslavije, kao i da čuva uspomene na sve podmorničare.
Poštovani članovi, simpatizeri i prijatelji!
Imamo čast da predstavimo replike podmorničkih značaka u Jugoslaviji. Izrađena je ograničena količina kompleta koji se mogu naručiti na službeni telefon udruženja ili e-mail udruženja.

Pored toga, molimo članstvo da pošalju ili ustupe po jednu fotografiju iz svoje podmorničke karijere po nahođenju jer planiramo da uspostavimo zid uspomena i na taj način prikažemo sve nas. Istovremeno, želimo da svaki član Udruženja aktivno doprinese i lično se angažuje u formiranju pomenutog zida uspomena.
Poslednji pozdrav
Opraštamo se od kolege, podmorničara i člana našeg Udruženja
Predstavnici Udruženja prisustvovali su polaganju venaca povodom komemoracije Dana vojnih veterana, kao i svečanoj akademiji u Domu Garde 4. decembra 2019. godine

Naš uvaženi član Boško Antić je odlikovan ordenom Krsta Vožda Đorđa Stratimirovića koji mu je uručen 13. januara 2022. godine.

Dana 25. novembra 2019. godine u Domu Vojske Srbije Udruzenje Podmornicar Srbija je odrzalo promociju knjige autora Boska Antica – Nebojša podmornica nepokora. Udruženje je bilo izdavač knjige. Promociji su između ostalog prisustvovali potomci Ivana Miškovića, jednog od članova posade podmornice Nebojša.

56th International Submariners Congress
Belgrade, May 21-26, 2019
Uspomena na održani 56. kongres

- The 56th International Submariners Congress was attended by 200 delegates from 24 countries from all continents (except Antarctica).
- For the first time one submariner from Hungary was announced as delegate, but unfortunately, two days before Congress he was received in Hospital.
- The majority of delegates were accommodated in Crowne Plaza Hotel, and minority in apartments near hotel.
- On the day of gathering delegates (May 21) Heads of Delegation (hereinafter as HoDs) had 1st meeting. As they announced two weeks earlier Mr Milodrag Jelisavac from Montenegro and Mr Michael Setzer from Germany presented by slides show their proposal on the candidacy to be host of the 59th Congress in 2022.
- At last point of meeting agenda, Mr Miro Krsmanovic (civil engineer, diving instructor and company owner) has informed HoDs about new project DEEPPOOL in Belgrade – Center for diving, education and training all kinds of divers, including SETT (Submarine Escape Training Tower) and HUAT (Helicopter Underwater Accident Training), with total depth of 80 m.
- An excellent Congress innovation was the exhibition of cartoons prepared by Union of Cartoonists of Serbia and Serbian Submarine Association – “International cartoon contest and the exhibition on theme SUBMARINE apropos 56th ISC”. It was received 810 cartoons from 37 countries.
- Welcome reception was prepared in the restaurant of Crowne Plaza Hotel.
- Opening ceremony of the 56th ISC was held in the Crystal hall of Military base Topcider on first day – May 22. Participants were welcomed by the president of Organizing Committee of Congress.
- Delegates were addressed by Capt (ret) Mr Slobodan Zivanic – Chairman of the Board of Serbian Submarine Association, Capt Andria Andric – on behalf of Ministry of defense and Chief of Generalstaff, and Mr Miodrag Popovic – manager of Belgrade Tourist Organization.
- After Opening ceremony delegates visited Military Museum (established in 1878, with 40,000 exponents) and Victory monument – symbol of Belgrade (under partially reconstruction). At 14.00 was served lunch in the “Amphora” restaurant on the right bank of Danube river.
- On May 23, Congress participants traveled to Novi Sad, second largest city in Serbia, to visit Petrovaradin fortress and Museum of Novi Sad, where deputy mayor addressed delegates.
- Next destination was small town Sremski Karlovci, one of cultural, political and religious centers of Serbian people where delegates visited: the oldest Gymnasium in Serbia, treasure of Serbian Ortodox Church, Museum of honey and beekeeping. Special occasion was visit to Wine Cellar “Bajilo” in ownership by submariner. Lunch was served at the terrace of Danube Hotel.
NOTICE: All wine served at lunches and dinners during Congress were from this Wine Cellar. - In the evening of May 23 delegates were served National dinner in Yugoslavia Hotel with the spectacular fireworks made by one submariner at the end.
- Third day (May 24) started with the visit of the House of flowers – Tito’s tomb and Museum that belongs to House.
- During the visit Saint Sava Temple (under partial construction) delegates had fine opportunity to hear short concert of Serbian spiritual songs performed by Chorus of Temple in Crypt of Temple.
- In Friendship park in honor of the Congress participants have planted the tree (Quercus robur), among hundreds trees planted by more than 70 presidents of countries and other officials. Lunch was served in “Sunset” restaurant at the bank of Ada Ciganlija Lake.
- At the 2nd HoDs meeting the score of voting for host of 59th ISC between Tivat – Montenegro and Speyer – Germany was 13:11 in favor Speyer. At about one idea presented before voting was: If Tivat canceled their candidacy in favor of Speyer – could they get automatically host of 60th ISC in 2023? With majority vote this idea was rejected, as the same idea for secret voting.
- Officially 56th ISC ended by traditional Gala Dinner in Banquet hall of Congress Center “Sava” with musical program consisted of performance by opera singers Miss Evgenia Jeremic and Mr Dragoljub Bajic, as well as folklore group “Talia”, all supported by musical group from Serbian Army Orchestra “Binicki”.
- Awards on International cartoon contest:
1st prize – Oleksy Kustovsky from Ukraine,
2nd prize – Erdogan Basol from Turkey,
Special prize “Nikola Otas” – Konstantin Kazanchev from Ukraine. - At the Gala Dinner HoDs have exchanged traditional gifts with organizers, and Congress column was handed over to Mr Lars Nordenberg HoD of Sweden that will organize next 57th ISC in Karlskrona 2020.
- Fourth day (May 25) was named “Relax day” and consisted of Belgrade sightseeing, visit Avala mountain (the highest point of Belgrade region – 511 m), Monument to the Unknown hero, Monu-ment to Soviet War Veterans, and ride onboard “Kej 1” on the rivers Sava and Danube, with lunch.
- During ride it was laid the wreath at the mouth of river Sava in Danube in memory of all submariners around the World. From this position first grenades were fired against Belgrade that marked the beginning of WW1, in 1914.
- In the morning of departure day, DVD with more than 1,000 images made by official photographer of Congress, was handed over to HoDs.
- During the Congress activities participants were secured by Medical team of Serbian Army and Police team of Ministry Interior. It was not any accident or injures.
- Main feature of 56th ISC was implementation of all Congress plans, so expectations of delegates have been in accordance with final words of HoDs.
- At the end Organizing Committee would like to thanks to:
All delegates from 24 countries,
Patron of the Congress, President of the Republic of Serbia,
Ministry of Defense and General staff of Serbian Army,
Ministry of Interior Republic of Serbia,
Congress Agency “Miross”.
Belgrade, June 11, 2019 Milan Komar, President of Org. Committee
U Beogradu je održan 56. Međunarodni Kongres Podmorničara od 21. do 26. maja 2019. godine. Izbor fotografija sa Kongresa možete videti u Galeriji slika.

Predstavnik Udruženja Milan Jovanov na prijemu povodom Dana Vojske Srbije.
Na sastanku Predsednika Udruženja podmorničara sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije, održanog u Pivci 12.04.2019. godine, dogovorena je dinamika održavanja centralnih proslava Dana podmorničara koja je prethodno odobrena na sastanku u Tivtu u aprilu 2018, godine. Prema dogovoru, a po četvorogodišnjoj dinamici, proslava za 2020. godinu će se održati u Puli, a za 2021. godinu u Beogradu.

U toku mesaca aprila kancelariju našeg udruženja posetio je VI Republike Rumunije

Detaljan program Kongresa na srpskom jeziku možete videti na stranici Kongresi pod stavkom 56. Beograd 2019 (hiperlink)
U sklopu pripreme 56. Medjunarodnog kongresa podmorničara, 15.01.2019. kacelariju Udruženja posetili su izaslanik odbrane NR Kine i njegov pomoćnik.

Predsednik Republike Srbije gospodin Aleksandar Vučić je doneo odluku da bude pokrovitelj 56. Međunarodnog kongresa podmorničara

Zajednička fotografija sa godišnje skupštine Udruženja Podmorničar održane 24. novembra 2018. godine
Obaveštavamo da će se Godišnja Skupština Udruženja Podmorničar održati
u svečanoj sali zgrade JRB (ul. Kneza Miloša br. 82, Beograd) 24. novembra (subota) 2018. godine sa početkom u 12.00 časova
Novi logo 56. ISC
Organizacioni odbor 56. ISC (Međunarodni kongres podmorničara – International Submariners Congress), koji će se održati u Beogradu 21-26.05.2019. godine, usvojio je na sednici 22.10.2018. godine službeni logo Kongresa.
Autor rešenja je Peđa Rađenović, grafički dizajner iz Beograda.
Poseta novinara Miroslava Lazanskog Udruženju Podmorničar
Dana 28.06.2018. kancelariju Udruženja Podmornicar posetio je novinar Politike Miroslav Lazanski.
Kao znak dugogodišnje saradnje, gospodinu Lazanskom je uručen model podmornice P-811.